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TSTT CEO Ronald Walcott

bmobile supports movement to end period poverty

TSTT Corporate Communication

Globally, it is estimated that 500 million women and girls lack adequate facilities for menstrual hygiene management. In Trinidad and Tobago, access to affordable menstrual products is still a major challenge for many women, especially those in rural and underserved communities. In celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) 2024 and in line with its theme 'Equity and Empowerment', bmobile organised a staff-driven period product drive where employees were encouraged to donate these much-needed items. The company also donated $10,000 to the beneficiary organisation, Feminitt Caribbean, a local NGO which advocates for menstrual equity through community service, public education, and policy advocacy.
Employees enthusiastically supported the cause. Donation bins placed in the lobbies of several company offices across Trinidad and Tobago quickly filled with pads and other period essentials, creating a network of giving that spanned the entire company.
This contribution aims to support the NGO’s mission to increase access to menstrual products through its Safe Cycle Care Banks located throughout 11 communities across the country inclusive of schools in both Trinidad and Tobago. “Under our Safe Cycle programme, we have created our community service initiative through the establishment of Safe Cycle Care Banks. Each Care Bank is operated by community members who support the delivery and distribution of menstrual products when needed. In the last two and a half years, over 500 people have been able to access free menstrual products from the Banks,” explains Feminitt’s Co Executive Director Chanelle Beatrice, who also expressed her gratitude for bmobile’s support. "As a youth-led organisation, we are grateful to see and receive this investment in achieving menstrual equity from such a giant in the corporate sector. This signals and reaffirms the urgency in ending period poverty. The issue of period poverty is sometimes seen as an invisible issue because of the stigma attached to openly speaking about menstruation.”
She added that given the uptick in public discussions, advocacy from civil society and increased funding from both corporate and private sectors to menstrual equity initiatives, this norm is shifting. “We are delighted with the exposure bmobile has brought to the tireless work Feminitt has been championing in the country and hope this inspires other businesses and policymakers in Trinidad and Tobago to partner with NGOs like us to co-create effective policies to mitigate this ongoing crisis. We look forward to more meaningful work and opportunities to work together for a period-friendly Trinidad and Tobago.”
Commenting on the initiative, TSTT’s Acting CEO, Kent Western said the company’s donation underscores its commitment to supporting community well-being and gender equality. "Ensuring access to menstrual products is fundamental to achieving broader social and economic equity and we are proud to contribute to this important cause. By supporting this cause, we hope to make a meaningful impact on the lives of women and girls across Trinidad and Tobago.” Western commended the employees who willingly chipped in to assist with the donation which he said was “a testament to the company’s ongoing dedication to corporate social responsibility and its role in building a more inclusive society

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